August 01, 2008

Quiet Confidence

Day 97
How does a believer become more mature in Christ -- more like Christ? How is this maturity measured? By how capable a person becomes? No. It is measured by how much you trust Me -- by how much repentance and rest, quietness and confidence you operate in.

Repentance is continual laying down of every self-motivated thing, and letting go of all that is not of Me.

Rest is being completely open and yielded to everything I want to say and do and be in your life -- every part. It is ceasing from your own efforts and saying "yes" to Me.

Quietness is standing in stability and perfect peace -- rock solid.

Confidence is knowledge of Me and perfect assurance that I am Who I am, and I will do what I say.

This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trusting confidence is your strength. -- Isaiah 30:15a

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