February 11, 2011


Pick up all the stuff of your life: all your belongings, your projects, your home, your job, your spouse and children, all your relationships, your hopes, dreams, failures and fears. That’s right – get it all together in a huge pile. Drop it at the Lord’s feet. Then sit down - relax - collapse - be relieved of all the burdens. And say, “Lord, make sense out of all my nonsense.”

“But when Jesus was alone with his disciples, he explained everything.” - Mark 4:34

“When he was alone with his disciples, he went over everything, sorting out the tangles, untying the knots.” - The Message

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” – Proverbs 16:9

If you will trust him, lean all of your weight on him, God will order your steps. He will untangle every knot. He will make real sense out of all the nonsense. 

February 05, 2011

Lover of My Soul

His love is unconditional.
His creation is magnificent.
His character is perfect.
His goodness is pure.
His humility is powerful.
His integrity is unprecedented.
His heart is redemption.
His tears are for the lost.
His intentions are life-saving.
His works are renewing.
His death is vicarious.
His anger was satisfied.
His enemies are defeated.
His opposition is annihilated.
His crucifixion was an overpayment.
His righteousness is imparted.
His resurrection is the centerpiece.
His life is indestructible.
His position is above all.
His rule is uncontested.
His presence is safety.
His home is security.
His steps are all-conquering.
His battles are won.
His honor is bestowed.
His leadership is tender.
His direction is triumphant.
His understanding is unimaginable.
His knowledge is available.
His wisdom is receivable.
His ways are unfathomable.
His paths are adventurous.
His ideas are infinite.
His strategies are flawless.
His plans are victorious.
His thoughts are transforming.
His mercies are refreshing.
His peace is core-penetrating.
His faithfulness is stability.
His shield is a fortress.
His protection is impenetrable.
His songs are deliverance.
His reach is limitless.
His eyes are full of light.
His countenance is shining.
His smile is infectious.
His laughter is life-giving.
His joy is hilarious.
His humor is medicinal.
His healing is miraculous.
His sacrifice is complete.
His expectation is fulfilled.
His justice has prevailed.
His forgiveness is free.
His passion is unbridled.
His truth is freedom.
His power is limitless.
His strength is cataclysmic.
His majesty is stunning.
His throne is approachable.
His grace is astonishing.
His favor is undeserved.
His embrace is empowering.
His resources are inexhaustible.
His provision is lavish.
His giving is good.
His gifts are nonreturnable.
His blessings are relentless.
His promises are everlasting.
His sayings are life-changing.
His word is delicious.
His law is fulfilled.
His discipline is freeing.
His touch is liberating.
His voice is exhilarating.
His kindness is unstoppable.
His patience is permanent.
His dominion is satisfying.
His desires for us are delectable.
His relationship is intimate.
His prophecies are revelation.
His vision is glorious.
His will is fantastic.
His invitation is amazing.

All of this – for you – purchased by the blood of Jesus.

"Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18